Completing university

It would appear that three years' worth of university has finally come to a close. It's both a rewarding feeling, yet at the same time, a sense of worth — for what I have done — has been an overarching factor into my life choices that I made whilst studying at university. Three years can seem like a lifetime, and a mere blur. It's all gone so fast, and I look back at it with mixed emotions, mostly due to the majority of my time studying being crudely thrown online. I did miss the human interaction of hands-on learning. But the glee and glistening thoughts of the enjoyment that I had whilst studying at Solent University made it all worthwhile. My final year project — my dissertation — took up the majority of my time, in this final year, but I found it to be so enjoyable, as being able to work on what I wanted to, led me down a path that I never expected. Against people's better judgement of myself not being able to complete my dissertation project, I prevailed, and created something that I was truly proud of. Now with just over a month until graduation, I look forward to my future self, with envy, as I am to be a better person than what I was before I undertook a bachelor's degree. Am I a man with the skills necessary to better not just myself, but everyone? I'd like to think so, and none of who I am today would not have been possible without myself taking the initiative to go to university. I may not know what the future holds, but I know that my past is built on a strong foundation, of which can only be attributed to the: people I met, and skills I gained; whilst at university.

May 28, 2022 - 13:12

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