FlitDB 1.0 release

My first project to have a production 1.0 release.

After many months of work, and countless rewrites of functional operations, I have finally released FlitDB at a 1.0 release. FlitDB started as a need to have a way to store data in a tiny environment, and whilst the need for that dissipated, the project had not. The FlitDB project started as a Hackathon entry, where it won first place; by all means, what was submitted as our project was not even close to production ready, and also had many issues in - due to the 24 hour window of development of the competition - but the judges had seen real potential in the project, and awarded us first place. Being comfortable with first place wasn't enough for me, I wanted to do more, I wanted to see FlitDB be useful and fully functional, so I kept working on it. I started by rewriting it in pure C, as originally it started as a C++ project, but I felt that the C++ linkage would provide issues for people attempting to embed the project within any C projects - hence a full C compatible rewrite was needed. I learnt a lot about C during this process, as although the project was written in C++, I was fairly new to that language; but to me, C was something that I had never explicitly worked with; this originally proved difficult, as certain conventions from many other languages that I had worked with were essentially non-existent, or completely different to how I would have expected them to be. Alas, I persevered and stuck to it, this proved extremely beneficial to me, as I ended up researching about almost everything that C had to offer, and I really started to like it. I liked it so much that I started to pivot any other projects that I worked on towards C. After some time, the project started to have a more cohesive structure, and allowed for the testing of it on different platforms, as initially FlitDB was only compatible with Linux, but after removing Linux syscalls used for reading and writing, I replaced them with the standard conventions that libc used, this proved very beneficial as it allowed for compilation on MacOS systems; which amazed me, as I never imagined that my own project would be cross platform; but here I was writing code that could be compiled and executed on both systems. A few more months had passed, and more useful features were added, along with fixing and optimizing the allocation of memory, etc.

Fast forward to today, I was extremely happy to release FlitDB at 1.0, after many months of work, I couldn't be happier with the way that the project has ended up; by all means I wish to continue working on it in the future, but this milestone, is something that I am very proud to have reached.

July 31, 2021 - 14:50

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