President elect

I have been elected President of the Solent Computing Society, and I shall undertake the position for the next academic year. I was elected due to my broad appeal throughout the society, as I had been engaging in multiple events, whilst building strong relationships with the society members. As President-elect I will have to wait until the handover date, which will be in August of this year (2020); and upon becoming President of the society, I will assist in making the society better for all members, whilst trying to increase morale and engagement between its members. I hope in the coming year of my Presidency, that I can leave a lasting impression on the society's members, both: new, and old. Simply put, I am going to do my utmost best in making this society: inclusive, engaging, and enjoyable; as much as I possibly can!

Also, I thank all who voted for me to be President of the Solent Computing Society.

April 29, 2020 - 20:01

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